Monday, June 18, 2012

Harry Styles Getting His Shirt Ripped Open

I found this video really late last night. Being the directioner that I am, I found it to be freaking amazing. I then saw that it was at the concert that I had been wanting to go to but couldn't. So I was a little upset to say the least. I felt I needed to post this because, well this is Harry Styles getting his shirt ripped open. HARRY STYLES! It's so cute! (:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

T-shirt Scarf with Beads

I bought a plain black long sleeve t-shirt from Wal-Mart for a couple of bucks. I wanted to make a t-shirt scarf and I went with the easiest possible one.

First I ironed the shirt out. Then I layed it out and cut it under the arms. I then proceded to cut all arount the bottom of the shirt making around 9 inch cuts. I tugged on the ends a little bit to stretch them out. 
I had chosen a black shirt because I figured it would be easier to pair with different outfits. It ended up looking much too plain for me so I hunted around the house for something to add to it. I found a few wooden beads. I had a limited amount of beads so I counted how many strings I had and then divided that number by the number of beads. I figured out that I needed to put a bead on every 4th string to make it even. 

I slipped the beads onto the strings. I then knotted the ends to secure the beads. This was my first attempt at a t-shirt scarf. Maybe I'll wear it, maybe I won't.

Baseball String Bracelet

I decided I would give making a baseball string bracelet a go after seeing it on Pinterest. I considered it as somewhat of a success so I would like to share it. The original tutorial I used was:

First I cut around the stitching of a new baseball with an x-acto knife. I then pulled off what I had cut of the ball. It was pretty long and all connected. I cut it into two equal pieces to make two bracelets. I unraveled a little over an inch of the string from the leather (which is what is shown above). 

To finish it off I trimmed the excess leather and braided the string and knotted the end. Above is the finished product. It turned out well.

 If I were to do it again though, I would make sure that the string to braid and tie together was longer. A problem I came across was that it had a very noticeable curve to it. I began tugging and stretching it hopefully to straighten it out. I had cut the leather on one too close to the string and I ended up ripping it. So I broke one but that's why I made two incase something like that were to happen!  Hopefully it will make a good 4-H project!

The First Post

Starting a blog is something I have wanted to do for quite a while now but I kept putting if off. I'm not exaclty sure as to how everything works around here but I'm slowly figuring it out. I'm excited to see what I can do with all of this. I'm hoping to post things such as diy projects, interesting things I stumple upon, possibly some fashion, movie reviews, and much more!